An Awesome Greeting Style from Google on your BIRTHDAY | by The Hacking University

By on 20:47

Now you all might be thinking why google will add up a logo for for anyone’s birthday on their homepage, now this is just for your information that this logo is only visible to me and no one else would be able to see this logo unless they sign in to my google+ account.
Yes this  is an automated system by google that they just detect your birthday from your Google+ profile and automatically change their logo to something like the above and greet you.
Now normally when you click any of the google doodle they simply take you to a search page searching that normal term but when you click on this cake doodle it will take you to your Google+ profile page.
So now if you have your birthday just sign in to your account and see the Google logo changed to something like above logo. So guys this was just a normal post to tell you about the great services by Google and how they treat a normal person, really love them.

Anil Maharda
Post: An Awesome Greeting Style from Google on your BIRTHDAY | by The Hacking University
Update Date: 20:47 | Rating: 4.5

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